The Great Depression

The Great Depression

The Great Depression began October 1929, when the stock market in the United States dropped rapidly. Thousands of investors lost large sums of money and many were wiped out. The crash led us into the Great Depression. This period was the longest and worst period of high unemployment and low business activity; people went along with only the bare necessities. The families that where hit the hardest during this time where the middle class families.
People stopped buying gods during the depression, because they had no money. The decline in sales of goods caused many factories to close causing unemployment, and worsening the depression, because industries must sell in order to continue. Unemployment was higher than ever many white men were working black men jobs for black men wages. Many men would have leave their families to go look for jobs and after they had found jobs they would send money back to their families, but some of the men would leave and never be heard from again. Wages were also dropping; companies could not pay as high as wages as they did in the 1920’s because they were not selling well.
For the average American living in the city, The Great Depression was a time to cut back on luxuries, and find ways to cut cost on even the most basic items. Appliances, jewelry, and furniture were some of the first items that Americans stopped buying. During The Great Depression, people had to find ways to save money on everythin. One example of this was the widespread use of vacant lots to grow food. Americans now had to live in the manner of their ancestors, making their own clothing, growing their own food, and again depending on their family.
The great depression hit middle class families the hardest. It did affect the poor but there were already accustomed to not having things and there was not much of an effect on the rich either, although there were some rich families that had lost everything in the stock market crash. The middle class...

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