The Last Shot

The Last Shot

The Last Shot
Darcy Frey

Basic Info:
Name—Darcy Frey City/Town-, Country- anywhere, USA Occupation-, School- Reporter Status- Single
Myspace URL:
I chose this for the main characters URL because Darcy Frey follows four high school basketball players that are looking for the ultimate prize, a full scholarship out of Coney Island. They are looking to become one of the best players to come out of New York City or just the best players ever. Darcy documents what they do and follows them to see what real players go through and how rigorous college recruiting is.
Display Name: Hop Along Darcy
I chose this for the main characters display name because Darcy Frey follows the players around where ever they go. (Tchaka, Stephon, Russell, and Corey.) To the classroom, basketball courts, college recruiting sessions, home, and on late-night cruises around town. He meets their families and their friends. He travels with the players to tournaments and tryouts, but he also listens to them talk about school.
Headline: Basketball is an article of FAITH!
I chose this for the headline because in Coney Island if you don’t have talent in basketball, you don’t go any where. The only way to get out of Coney Island is by getting a four-year basketball schorlarship to a Division I school. Darcy follows four players that have talent to go all the way to the NBA, but not the academic requirements. The schooling is so bad that none of the players, except, Stephon Marbury get to a Division I school, and eventually, the NBA.
“About Me”
In the beginning Darcy meets four high school basketball players. Tchaka, Stephon, Corey and Russell. Tchaka, Corey and Russell are incoming seniors, and Stephon is an incoming freshmen. He follows them in their daily routines and listened to what they had to say about basketball, school and life. He followed them so people know what it takes to become a Division I basketball...

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