The Malicious Neglect of an Animal

The Malicious Neglect of an Animal

Animal Abuse 11/17/08 Mrs. Purcell Cp English IV Animal abuse is the willful or wanton infliction of pain, suffering, or death upon an animal or the intentional or malicious neglect of an animal. Cruelty to animals refers to treatment or standards of care that cause unwarranted or unnecessary suffering or harm to animals. Standards of both animal abuse legislation, and enforcement, may vary between different places from non-existent through to comprehensive, and the acts and conditions are deemed “cruel” also vary. Opinions are divided whether practices such as factory and fur farming and animal testing of medical procedures and consumer products pose a major moral issue. Active abuse and passive abuse are they two categories that animal abuse is often broken down into. Passive abuse is defined as not taking action when needed and therefore causing harm. Common examples of passive abuse are starvation and dehydration while more extreme cases can include parasitic infections and allowing a collar to grow into a pet’s skin. Commonly passive abuse is acted upon by a person noticing the abuse and attempting to enlighten the owner then later returning to reassess the situation. Sometimes an animal may need to be treated by a veterinarian. Active abuse is a person deliberately and intentionally causing suffering to an animal. The injuries the animal sustains are referred to as NIA’s (Non-accidental injury). Zoodasim is a deliberate wish to be cruel to animals and torture them and is usually linked with abuse to people. Most commonly linked when criminal’s, thathave tortured or murdered people, files are being reviewed. Not all cases of animal abuse lead to human abuse, though most due lead to that, and in some extreme cases torturing and killing animals can be practice for sadism. Psychopathology is the term which refers to the manifestation of behaviors which may be indicative of mental illnesses. Animal abuse is very often a smoke signal of a serious mental...

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