The more you see is alive

The more you see is alive

What do you see as the central concerns of Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

A Legendary man named William Shakespeare wrote a tragic drama called Macbeth in 1606. Shakespeare explores the concept of natural and unnatural factors in society. By doing so, he raises central issues, which are successfully resolved in the climax of the plays plot. Though this play is over 400 years old it still has is very relevant in the 21st century audiences in the themes of key concerns such as mortality, power, ambition and etc. This play is very powerful ideas on the nature of humanity capture the audience intellectually and emotionally making them respond better with the use of dramatic techniques.

Beyond the selected extract, Shakespeare introduces the issues of power and morality really well. Shakespeare keeps the presence of these issues and resolves them in the plot of the play. The plot climaxes with Macbeth’s tragic death, where the desire for his power and giving up of morale fibres, remain as central issues as they appear in the selected extract. This is shown clearly, as in the text; Macbeth is torn morally for his plan to take power, which he and his wife desire. Beyond Act 1 Scene 5, Macbeth resolves all concern for goodness by disbanding it altogether through his desire for power. It is a choice that focuses on the plays moral values and rejects his desire as unnatural due to the actions Macbeth is willing to undertake. Macbeth is aware of Morality and social judgement for his actions. In Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth says:
“We still have judgement here, that we but teach
Bloody instructions which, being taught, return
To, Plague the inventor. This even-handed justice
Commends th’ingredience of our poisoned chalice
To our own lips (pg1.7.8-12).”
Despite social and moral constraints, Macbeth indicates he has a deep “vaulting ambition” which surpasses fear of recrimination from society or from God.

Power, and the desire to receive power, is a central issue in...

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