The Native Americans 2

The Native Americans 2

I was raised being labeled white. I guess that is the ethnic group that I belong to. The thing is I know that I have Cherokee Indian in my family because my great-grandmother was full blooded Cherokee Indian. I remember my mother telling me about my great-grandmother as a child. I was always curious and fascinated with Indian culture. Even though I check the box that says “white” I have always wanted to learn more about my Indian history. I have never been ashamed of having Cherokee in my blood and as a matter of fact, I have been somewhat proud to say that I have Cherokee roots.
The Native Americans were first discovered by Christopher Columbus. It was estimated that between 10 to 90 million Native Americans lived in America when the European were arriving here. The Native Americans were here many years before the European even stepped foot onto the soil here. Christopher Columbus actually gave them the name “Indian” when he thought that he landed in the Indies. (All About History, 2010).
The Native Americans greeted the new people with pleasure and was fascinated with all of their gadgets such as knives, mirrors, kettles made from copper and such. Even though the Europeans had such valuable things in the Native American’s eyes, they would not have survived in this new land had it not been for the help of the Native American’s and their ability to live off of the land. The Native Americans were skilled in hunting, fishing, farming, and making homes from sun-dried brick, animal skins, and lumber. (All About History, 2010).
The Native Americans tried to co-exist with the newfound settlers but along with the new gadgets that the Europeans had to offer came deadly diseases. The new colonists brought smallpox, cholera, yellow fever and many more deadly diseases. These diseases totally destroyed entire villages of Native Americans. Eventually greed set in and the Europeans decided to conquer this new found land by brutally attacking the Native Americans. It led...

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