The Old Man and the Sea - Questions

The Old Man and the Sea - Questions

1.- Does the plot conform to a formula? Is it like those of any other stories you have read? Did you find it predictable?
· No, It doesn’t conform to a formula.
· No, I didn’t find it predictable.
2.-What is the source and nature of the conflict for the protagonist? Was your major interest in the story based on what happens next or on some other concern? What does the title reveal now that you have finished reading the story?
· Source: solitude, hope and bravery.
· It was based on what happens next.
· The title reveals a story of an old man that occurs in the sea.
3.-Is the story told chronologically? If not, in what order are events told, and what is the effect of that order on your response to the action?
· Yes, it is told chronologically, but in some parts of the book the author use some flashbacks. But its doesn’t affect the tme in the story, there are more like informative flashbacks.
4.-What does the exposition reveal? Are Flashback used? Did you see any foreshadowings? Where is the climax?
· The hope and solitude.
· Yes, Flashbacks are used, when the old man remembered when he was young.
· Yes, there are foreshadowings.
· Climax: it could be when Santiago (the old man) fished the huge shark.
5.-Is the conflict resolved at the end? Would you characterize the ending as happy, unhappy, or somewhere in between?
· Yes, the conflict at the end was resolved
· Is an unhappy ending.
6. Is the Plot unified? Is each incident somehow related to some other element in the story?
· Yes, the plot is unified
· Yes, each incident is related to others in the story.
7. Do you identify with the Protagonist? Who (or what) is the Antagonist?
· No, I didn’t identify with the protagonist.
· The sharks.
8. Did your response to any Characters change as you read? What do you think caused the change-if any-? Do any Characters change and develop in the course of the story? How?
· No, I didn’t response to any character.
· No, any...

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