The Oversized Generation

The Oversized Generation

In America, food is idolized; fast-food restaurants are erected on almost every corner, and billions of dollars every year are spent on food-related ads. In a culture surrounded by food, it is no surprise that 64% of Americans are carrying around extra pounds (Spake 282). Over the past thirty years, the number of overweight children and adolescents has doubled, making childhood obesity an epidemic (Critser 289). Examining the lifestyle behaviors that contribute to the issue is essential to begin reversing this trend. Unfortunately, with junk food distributed in schools and advertising for fast food targeted at American youth, the number of overweight and obese children may continue to rise and an unhealthy, oversized generation may take over in the immediate future.
In the 1970s, about 12% of Americans under age nineteen were classified as obese; by 2005, almost 33% of children were overweight (Blackwell 1). With computers and video games integrated into American households, children are less mobile and spend more time indoors. This lack of exercise, coupled with a greater intake of processed foods and beverages, is contributing to the epidemic. Childhood obesity is a significant issue, as asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and orthopedic problems are ailments that often accompany excess weight. (Blackwell 1). Obese kids are more likely to develop into obese adults. Unless something is done to reverse this trend, a future of health problems and a lower life expectancy waits.
One factor that is exacerbating the problem is the prevalence of junk food in schools. The average American child consumes one to two meals a day at school, with vending machines and cafeterias providing additional snacks. While schools do offer healthy subsidized meals, another type of food has been integrated into the system. Known as “competitive foods”, these options are competing with school meals and contributing to the nation’s weight problem (“Update” 2). Sugary snacks, fast...

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