The Pizza Was Good

The Pizza Was Good

“Number three. Two pepperoni pizzas” shouted the cashier.
Yes, finally. The moment I’ve been waiting for. Five minutes of pure torture. I sprint past the ATM and the gumball machine.
“That’s my pizza sir” I said in a mouth full of saliva that had been gathering in my mouth because of the delicious aroma of melted cheese and pepperoni.
I grabbed the pizza and opened it just a crack so the yummy smell would last until we got home. I ran to the car so my mom would know to hurry up and pay. I waited for my mom in the car. I rolled up all the windows so the sweet smell of the pizza would fill up the small green mini cooper car.
When we got home I rushed to the table and immediately served myself. My parents went on a rampage on about how it is good manners to wait until everyone was sitting down at the table. I nodded just noticing they were talking. I didn’t care if I got grounded because I didn’t wait for my extremely slow brother to sit down. I picked the piece of pizza up as if it was a new born baby. I put it high above my mouth and shoved all the stringy, loose cheese into my throat I bit down and a pepperoni was split into two pieces and a bunch of grease spurted out and dripped down my chin. I chewed the little piece of heaven in my mouth. I forgot all that was around me and just focused on the small piece of pizza. I would have been happy if I could die eating that pizza. The pizza was good.

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