The Rise of the Guitar

The Rise of the Guitar

The Rise of the Electric Guitar
The Electric Guitar is a vital instrument in music. Without the electric guitar contribution music would not be what we hear today in genre of music. In almost every type of music you can hear the entrancing electric guitar, it’s one of the most popular instrument used by musicians today. Without the electric guitar music, especially rock, jazz, and the blues would not be what they are today.
Les Paul was the innovator of the solid body electric guitar. He invented the electric guitar by using an old telephone, radio, and railroad tie. Les created the electric guitar looking for a way to better the sound of the already created guitar because he played at fairs and bars. Les Paul had no idea it would become as big as it is today. His guitar was discovered while he was playing a gig in a bar and from then on the music industry was changed forever.
The blues style of music was dramatically changed from the electric guitar. With the electric guitar blues musicians could hold notes, have slides heard better and also have different sound effects. Musicians could also have more of a metallic style from the strings hitting the frets to go along with their heart full lyrics.
When you think of Woodstock you think of a bunch of hippies in a very small place, but there was much more to the concert than that. Without Woodstock the electric guitar would not have be as famous. Many very talented guitarists would not have been recognized. Jimmie Hendrix is one famous guitarist that would not have had the recognition that he received without the contribution of the electric guitar. Jimmie Hendrix was well known for hi insane guitar skills. Jimmie Hendrix was probably one of the best guitarists of his time, and Woodstock was when he finally got the light he deserved. When people listened to him play, they finally realized how flexible the electric guitar is.
Even though the body style has not changed much or the way the electric guitar...

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