The Rising of Religion

The Rising of Religion

For years, scholars have admitted that advancement and secularization goes together. The
assumption was that economic development will result in more modernization and it
increases secularism. While last decades, religion seems to have more importance in
people’s social and political life, despite globalization and political modernization. According
to them people are becoming more religious, and religious people are becoming more and
more pious. Some important social thinkers like Weber, Marx, Durkheim, Comte, and Freud
believed that modernity will replace religion base of understanding the world. On the other
side secularization thesis says that via modernization, the importance of religion decreases
at the level of social and individual life. (Norris and Inglehart 2004)
Nevertheless, adverse to expectations, the significance of religion is rising day by day. The
modernization theorists of the past few decades generally accepted the image of the
modern world as a space of shrinking religiosity. Therefore, modernity meant not only the
end of institutional authority of religion, but also it meant that religion has ideological and
mentally control on society. Especially after the World War II it seems like politics was
completely secularized and influence of religion in civil life has became smaller in modern
societies. According to Hadden, religious fundamentalism is a reaction to homogenization
and combination reasoned by globalization. (Hadden 1987)
According to a historian, Bernard Lewis, especially Islamic fundamentalism is a kind of
reaction by Muslims that lives are spoiled because of secularization and modernization. It is
also argued that Islamic fundamentalism is a kind of reaction to values and ideas imposed by
the West on Muslim societies. Therefore, that religious fundamentalism is a reaction to the
identity crisis caused by modernization. It is also claimed that people that lives in developing


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