The Role of the Form Tutor

The Role of the Form Tutor


A Form Tutor’s role is central in both caring for students and, crucially, monitoring their progress both academically and socially; encouraging involvement, commitment, and high standards of work and behaviour. The Form Tutor should be active in looking after the interests of the “whole child” and refer directly to “The Form Tutor Guide.” A Form Tutor should:

Set the “tone” for the day, by creating a positive ethos, establishing/encouraging good student/teacher, Student/student relationships, and developing both a Tutor Group and a school spirit and identity.
Encourage high standards of work, behaviour and dress in students, and liaise with the Heads of House over referred behavioural problems; look to reward achievements positively and implement, where necessary, appropriate sanctions.
Promote, maintain and monitor the official records of attendance and punctuality. Ensuring notes are received concerning any absence and any absence of more than three days is checked with the Head of House. Tutors should alert Heads of House to any patterns of, or suspicious, absences.
Actively supervise students in Assemblies. Form Tutors are encouraged to help with the organization and to participate in all aspects of the assembly, including the conducting of a daily ‘act of worship’.
Teach PSHEE for one period a week and participate in its development, evaluation and production of resources.
Monitor and intervene in the effective use of the Student Contact Book. Tutors must look at and sign Contact Books on a regular basis, ideally every two weeks.
Be aware of friendship patterns, family structures, leisure interests, contents of student records, social development, problems at home/school and relationships with other students and staff.
Monitor and review their students’ current progress across the curriculum using all the data provided.
Follow through concerns and issues about learning and effort when necessary with subject areas...

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