The System Development Life Cycle & the Spiral Model

The System Development Life Cycle & the Spiral Model

Compare the System Development Life Cycle with the spiral model indicating where they are best used, there advantages and disadvantages. Provide labelled diagrams detailing each model

Student Name: Vishram S. Churai
Student I.D.: 111000268

What is Methodology?
A methodology is defined as something that represents a package comprising practical ideas and proven practices for a given area of activity. Methodology includes the planning, the development of the design and the management of the systems which are based on information technology.

The Software Life Cycle.
In software engineering, the software life cycle is a frequently used manner of organizing the software development process. It consists of the following phases:
* Requirements engineering: collect the requirements and expectations from the future owners and users of the system.
* Design: translate the requirements in a specification that describes the global architecture and the functionality of the system.
* Implementation: build the system. This amounts to transforming the design into software source code.
* Testing: test that the implemented system conforms to the specification.
* Maintenance: install, maintain and gradually improve the system.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
The software development life cycle (SDLC) is the entire process of formal, logical steps taken to develop a software product. The SDLC is basically the part of process in which coding/programming is applied to the problem being solved by the existing or planned application.

The following diagram draws from the sphere of engineering, showing the traditional (also known as classic) and most straightforward approach to constructing software, the Waterfall Software Development Life Cycle Model. You can modify this plan to your needs, as the aim is to give you...

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