The Values of Macbeth

The Values of Macbeth

The play Macbeth is a well known play written by Shakespeare. It’s about a tragedy that happens to a once brave, honorable soldier named Macbeth. Aristotelian definition of a tragic hero is ‘Not perfect, in some way still superior morally to most of the audience.’ I think that Macbeth fits Aristotelian definition of a tragic hero. Macbeth fits Aristotelian definition because he’s a man who has lacks of virtuous, overpowering ambitions, and remorseful doings.
Macbeth’s lack of virtuous has affected him. He has no morals that impacted him. The lack of virtuous relates to Aristotelian tragic hero because it has the imitation of an action that is serious and has magnitude. It also fits Hubris. The arrogance that causes the hero to believe he can outwit fate or violate a moral law. “Now o’er the one half-world / Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse / The curtain’d sleep” (II.I.49-51). "Nature seems dead" because it's dark and quiet out, but as people fall asleep human nature seems dead, too, and then wicked dreams can take control. “On Tuesday last, / A falcon, towering in her pride of place, / Was by a mousing owl haw’d at and kill’d” (II.iv.11-13). The falcon's "pride of place" is the highest point of its flight. And the owl, which usually catches mice on the ground, went up instead of down, and killed a falcon. Also, a falcon is a day creature, and a royal companion, while the owl is an untamable bird of night and death. If things in nature stands for things in human life, King Duncan was the falcon, and Macbeth the owl. King Duncan's horses, "Beauteous and swift, the minions of their race, / Turn'd wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, / Contending 'gainst obedience, as they would make / War with mankind." (II.iv.15-18) A "minion" is someone's favorite. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were King Duncan's minions. The King showered them with honors and gifts, but they turned wild and made war on their master.
Thus the point is made that Macbeth's murder...

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