Theatre: Real World Benefits

Theatre: Real World Benefits

Cailyn P******
Ms. Brianna D***
IEW Writing Course
19 May 2016

Theatre: Real World Benefits
How does theatre apply to everyday life? When one participates in an activity such as theatre, the use of valuable techniques and being able to view things from another perspective can open one up to a wide variety of opportunities. In addition, being involved will also help with public speaking or social anxiety issues. The pursuit is not a waste of time, but a worthwhile and enjoyable learning experience. Theatre provides exposure to different circumstances and develops transferable skill sets.
Self-confidence is a crucial part of everyday life. This ability will not only assist in day-to-day affairs, but it is also a trait that is carried on throughout one’s existence. Social anxiety and depression are common side-effects of lacking self-confidence. To aid in the prevention of these conditions, being around others for an extended period of time can definitely give one assurance. Likewise, having to perform in front of a large audience can build up courage and tenacity overtime in those who suffer from social anxiety.
Speaking in public with ease is a challenging task to accomplish. However, performing in front of an audience in a play or musical is definitely helpful. As previously stated, theatre can provide one with more confidence in daily affairs. This skill is crucial to public-speaking. If confidence is not displayed during a presentation or speech, the message being portrayed may not be perceived correctly.
Social anxiety affects many people, including celebrities. Jennifer Lawrence is one of the 40 million people who have suffered from some form of anxiety. Miss Lawrence said that acting made her happy and made her feel capable, “whereas before I felt worthless” (Wickens 1). Her parents believe that the cure for her anxiety was acting. The first time she performed on stage, she said that her anxiety almost disappeared. Theatre may not...

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