Theology Notes

Theology Notes

Carolina Cuervo
Old Testament-7
September24, 2013
there are several different genres in the bible such as stories, epics, laws, the liturgy, poems, the oracles, teachings, and wisdom writings. By hearing stories of our ancestors we become aware of belonging to the same family. Epics are accounts of the past, but their chief aim is to arouse enthusiasm and to celebrate heroes, even if necessary to exaggerate details in order to do so. Laws give organization to a people and allow a common life.
The liturgy are celebrations, rituals express this common life, just as celebration meals bind the family together. Poems are canticles and psalms that are the expressions of the sediments and the faith if the people. The oracles of the prophets are solemn words said to come from God-recall people to true faith. Teachings by prophets and priests may be given under the form of instruction, but also as stories and tales (parables). Wisdom writings are reflections on the great human questions: what is love, death, and life? Why evil? Why suffering? Ext. the bible should be cherished and respected. One thing that people don't grasp the concept of is love. Love is about the other person, about putting them furs and yourself second.Everyone is so self-involved that they don't care about the other person like they should, relationship wise, or Christianity wise. They don't make sacrifices like Jesus did for us. They do everything and anything the easy way. Which isn't what should be happening.

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