Things That Make Me Angry

Things That Make Me Angry

Things That Make Me Angry.

Well where to start! If you were one of my friends you would think everything makes me angry. This is not the case however, must i must agree there is a lot of things that do annoy me.
Some are simple things that some people just don't understand. Like in the morning when i have my alarm set and my dad wakes me up a minute before it goes of. I don't know why it even annoys me but it does.
It annoys me when your on a bus and a person starts screaming down the phone like theres nobody else there, its just plain rude on thoughtless of everybody else that has to sit there and listen about how bad there day has been or how there going on holidays to spain in the summer. Actually really loud people just annoy me in general. They think there great trying to get everyones attention but really nobody can stand them, not even other loud people case there taken there lime light away from them.
I get angry when your trying to organize something and then BOOM something goes wrong, people start to pull out or something just doesn't go to plan and you feel that all the effort you had made has just gone to nothing.
I get angry when you had just written the longest text message ever and then your phone goes dead just as your about to send it, like why does it keep beeping g before it does dead ? Your battery wouldn't go as dead as fast and it wouldn't be annoying everyone around you.
My parents can make me angry, i know there only trying to do there best for me but i cant but feel that at time s they might me a bit to over protective of me since i am there only child.
There are a lot of serious matters that annoy me as well. For instance how some people threat others. Everyone should be happy an i do not think that anyone should have the power to change that for anyone. These people who are suffering from bullying or treated against there rights have to get up every morning thinking about what might be said to them or done to them...

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