This Boys Life

This Boys Life

This Boy's Life
This paper is a bio-psycho-social perspective on the the main character in the film “This Boy's Life”, which also include other characters. Featuring; the main character, Tobias Wolff; Mother, Caroline; The neurotic and abusive husband, Dwight; and unlikely friend, Arthur.
From the start of the film it is apparent Tobias is not in a psychologically healthy environment. Caroline seems be the nurturer type until she does not want to be one and will abruptly disconnect from her emotional side and emotionally “leave”. An example of this is after she is told in a mocking way that there is no uranium around, dashing her hopes to make it rich. Caroline and Tobias go back to the apartment and without her saying a word, she lays down to sleep leaving a dejected Tobias not knowing if he was the one who set her off.
It appears Tobias is in Stage 5 of the Eriksonian stage, Identity V Confusion, where he attempts to explore his independence and develop a sense of 'self'. Tobias's general adaptation system was damaged earlier on in his life when Caroline and his biological father split, Tobias's father taking his older brother with him, which leads to believe he has abandonment issues. He also shows distress throughout the entire film in the forms of acting out when he releases the e-break from the parked car on the hill and breaking a window at the school. Behavior changes where he actually lashes out in


retaliation and fights off Dwight in the kitchen. Tobias also displays a secondary appraisal of his distress when he voices his frustration after the attack and says he is leaving for good.
Throughout the film Tobias is consistently conforming to others around him. Tobias conforms to each of the group of friend's in the different cities he lived in during the film. Seattle, Concrete, it's all the same in this respect because Tobias is looking to fit in and find acceptance within groups of people which is difficult when you have an...

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