This I Beileve

This I Beileve

# 574858
Efficient Cheetah
The animal that I feel represents me best is the efficient cheetah. This animal best represents my ability to overcome interruptions, physical and mental fatigue, and my ability to be efficient.
The first and most important trait of the cheetah is efficiency. I am extremely efficient at home because I perform a lot of chores to help around the house. I'm very efficient when it comes to doing the yard work and other outdoor tasks at my home.
The next characteristic is the ability to overcome physical and mental fatigue. This ability helps when the going gets tough and things get hard; you can fight to get through it. This characteristic relates to me because I work really hard when it comes to schoolwork and my extracurricular activities. For instance, when I practice for baseball we always start the year off with endurance and speed training. This is a very daunting workout and I can always work through the fatigue and prevail. If I tell myself that I can do it, I will succeed. This is one trait I have that makes me more efficient than others. When it comes to mental fatigue that's another obstacle I can always tackle. I'm an extremely hard worker and I will do what it is necessary to get the grade I deserve.
The last trait that the cheetah has is being effective and focused. Being able to focus is a challenging thing to do now-a-days because of all of the distractions in my life. Such as technology, friends, sports...etc. I consider myself lucky to have this trait. I'm effective at zoning out distractions and focusing on my goal. This trait truly shines when I'm pitching on the mound in baseball. There are so many distractions that can keep me from my peak performance. That is why you must develop a means of "tunnel-vision," and focus on your main objective, to strike out players.
All of these traits will help me accomplish my many tasks this school year. My efficiency will keep me "on the ball", producing my best work. My...

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