Three Stages Model of Interviewing

Three Stages Model of Interviewing

Three Stages Model of Interviewing
BSHS 385: Interpersonal Communication and Interviewing Skills
February 9, 2016
Andrea Winston

Three Stages in the Model of Interviewing
There are three stages in the model of interviewing that are made up of thirteen different elements. Stage one of the model is exploration. During the exploration stage the interviewer is helping clients identify their experiences, issues, and problems (Evans, Hearn, & Uhelmann, 2011, Chapter 1). By using the elements of attending behavior, or good listening skills as well as eye contact and verbal and nonverbal communication, effective questioning by using open and closed questions, reflecting content with effective listening, reflecting feeling with being able to pick up on a client’s emotions, and proper integration of all these skills. Stage two is clarification. During this stage the interview is attempting to help clients clarify their experiences and develop goals (Evans, Hearn, & Uhelmann, 2011, Chapter 1). Through the elements of confrontation by identifying any discrepancies or inconsistencies, communicating feelings and immediacy by sharing appropriate observations and reactions, appropriate self-disclosing, and interpretation the interviewer can bring clarity to their client. Stage three is the action stage. This stage helps a client take action. This stage allows the interviewer to help clients take action through applying the elements of information giving with; feedback, informational statements, or a reframe, structuring for exploration, clarification, and action; by allowing the client to examine issues, consider alternatives, and make their own choices, and enlisting cooperation; by decreasing client discomfort. In a fourth stage that is labeled as effective communication: facilitating exploration, clarification, and action; is essentially wrapping up the three stages and putting them all together to give an effective interview (Evans, Hearn,...

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