Topic Proposal

Topic Proposal

The topic that I have chosen is the power of nutritional medicine over conventional drugs used in medicine. These natural products have been increasingly more popular over the years as the limitations of traditional drugs have become more apparent. This topic is interesting to me because I want to become a doctor and focus on this type of medicine. I had a science teacher in high school who was very knowledgeable about the topic and introduced me it. From personal experience, even on a minuscule level, I feel better when I eat healthier food. I might not have a serious disease, but I have used food to help get relief from allergies.
This topic is relevant to our daily lives because our society is becoming sicker everyday whether is be just a common cold, obesity, or cancer. The limits of drugs are becoming more evident through the overuse of antibiotics and many drugs just masking the symptoms rather than healing. Everyone could benefit from knowledge about the power of nutritional or more natural medicine whether it is for simple headaches or just to save money. It is important for our class to learn about it because it is a new trend that will likely become very popular in the future as healthcare cost rise and the needs for certain drugs are not being meet. Although medicine has provided great advancement for mankind, traditional practices from ancient cultures offer many unique ideas that can be used with western medicine.
For this topic, I am looking for evidence and statistics based on studies done by doctors and researchers. Because this is a science topic, I need factual evidence over opinion. However, opinion articles can be used if supported with facts. Facts can be based off of evidence from studies done in the United States or compared to other countries where the healthcare industry is very different from our own. This information will be found primarily in academic journals and books. This is because concrete scientific evidence is necessary to...

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