Trapped in the Epidemic

Trapped in the Epidemic

Academic dishonesty is a growing epidemic in students of all ages. Academic dishonesty is any type of cheating in or related to an academic setting. It is better to learn from your mistakes than to cheat and not learn. Academic dishonesty is the equivalent of a claustrophobic person taking the crowded elevator instead of the empty stairs. Academic dishonesty deserves a punishment that will actually teach the responsible parties, instead of pushing them to do it more.
It is better to learn from your mistakes than to cheat and not learn at all. As students, we are at school to learn. If a student doesn’t understand an assignment and they cheat on it, they are not learning, and they are hurting themselves for things to come. If a student needs help, they should ask someone who can help them, not try to figure it out on their own or pretend to know what they’re doing. When you learn from your mistakes, you are actually learning, and as students, that is all we are asked to do.
Academic dishonesty is the equivalent of a claustrophobic person taking the crowded elevator instead of the empty stairs. Academic dishonesty is just taking the easy way. When you get in the habit of taking the easy way for school, you start to try it in other aspects of your life. When you “climb the empty stairs”, you are not only helping yourself, but you are also showing the people that cheat often that there is another way. If you can help yourself and other people then, you are doing a lot of good.

Academic dishonesty deserves a punishment that will actually teach the responsible parties, instead of pushing them to do it more. When students are given a suspension, they are usually sitting at home doing nothing. But, when students are given a low grade, especially in high school, it affects them more than sitting at home. When students are given lines, it helps them get the message more clearly. Students learn their lesson better with lines than with...

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