

Travel the world
Dear Li,
Hi, dear friend, I am visiting the capital of China, Beijing. The work that I found is made by Ai Weiwei and the name of the art is called “Map of the World.” This art was made in 2006. Because Beijing is the capital of China, this city is worth me to spend money on visiting it. The flight ticket took me 1294.8 dollar for this roundtrip and the hotel cost me 158 dollar per night which is called Regent Beijing.
Beijing is the capital of China. This is a huge city. There are so many people in this city. Beijing has a rather dry, monsoon-influenced humid continental climate characterized by hot, humid summers due to the East Asian monsoon, and generally cold, windy, dry winters that reflect the influence of the vast Siberian anticyclone. Three styles of architecture predominate in urban Beijing. First, there is the traditional architecture of imperial China, perhaps best exemplified by the massive Tian'anmen. Next, there is what is sometimes referred to as the "Sino-Sov" style, with structures tending to be boxy and sometimes poorly constructed. Finally, there are much more modern architectural forms, most noticeably in the area of the Beijing CBD and Beijing Financial Street. Although most of it is influenced by its rich history, Beijing is a city that is in the process of reinventing its culture. There are many religions practiced in Beijing, although not always freely. Freedom of religion is actually in the Chinese constitution, but throughout recent history, suspensions have occurred that have made it hard to practice certain faiths. Because Beijing is the capital of China, you can eat all the best Chinese food from the whole country, everything is good. Also Beijing is not a bored city. There are many interesting places such as bars, music halls, and ski resorts.
This art is made of cotton. The size of this art is 100*800*600 cubic centimeter. The artist overlaid thousands pieces of cotton to finish this huge map. At the bottom...

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