Turning the Tables in a Positive Situation

Turning the Tables in a Positive Situation

Turning The Tables in a positive situation.
First time I heard the idiom “turning the tables in a positive situation” I thought it meant what it said by its words, but it turned out that I’m erroneous; and that is “turning the tables in a positive situation” situation. The English idiom “turning the tables in a positive situation” means to be in a situation where you was in a bad or a positive situation then you use your ability to make it positive, for an example you was a poor guy that you barely get some money to get your food then one day you saw this advertisement “give us a special thing, and take your dream” and then you gave them something you don’t need it, but they found it a variable thing then you get your dream which is to live the life of kings. That is a plain example of “turning the tables in a positive situation”. I had a situation that applies that idiom, but it happened in a football match. It was our school versus another school, and I think that it was a tournament.
One day our Physical Education’s teacher had organized a football match between our school and another school, then he proclaimed it for us. Whenever we have a physical education period we practice for football, but we also have a chance to play other sports such as swimming. We used to stay after school for football training; it was optional to stay, but we wanted and liked to stay after school for football training. We trained so much for a football match that we will have against another school, and I knew this news from our Physical Education’s teacher after he had announced it for us before the match’s time by a month. We trained so much that I was concerned how this match will go. Are we going to win, or lose? Or there will be a thigh? and if there will be a thigh will we have a chance to play a third half or penalties?
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