Unang Baboy Sa Langit Refection

Unang Baboy Sa Langit Refection

Cleanliness as tribute to Mother Earth
by: Isabelle Ocier

Whoever thought that a pig could turn out to be cleaner than us humans? I mean, think about it. Pigs, those fat pink hairy creatures we usually see rolling about in the mud. Yeah, those guys. So as I was sitting in the dark, in the Rizal mini theatre, watching a couple of actors clad in beige costumes and pig’s snouts prancing about onstage I had absolutely no idea that it was to be a show with cleanliness as its moral lesson. But in spite of all these misconceptions, I was actually able to sit back and enjoy the play. The set design was superb, I appreciated how practical yet upscale the stage was built. When it comes to live productions I find it essential to plan it with a functional mindset. For me, not only did the story impart the message of cleanliness and conservation but also the actual execution of the play itself.

It began with an elderly pig telling her grandkids the story of the first pig that went to heaven – Santa Buchiki. Her story can be likened to that of Jesus Christ or any other saint. Her birth was prophesized by the coming of an angel; in the form of a rabbit. Santa Buchiki was born an only child in spite of the fact that pigs give birth to around five to six piglets! Our heroine defied all the laws of nature, not only did she bear a star on her forehead and have shiny nails but she had the habit of keeping clean. She represented the exact opposite of what we humans stereotype pigs. With her values and beliefs she introduced pigs to the great hygienic habits, which they practice until today. She opened their eyes to the advantages of simply taking a bath and keeping their homes squeaky clean. With her story, she set an example not only for her fellow pigs but also the audience learning about her story.

As she taught the how to sweep and clean, she gave them hope in a dark and desolate place. Before Buchiki’s parents brought her to their hometown, the land was in such...

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