Understanding differences

Understanding differences

Understanding Differences Worksheet


Understanding Differences Worksheet
Culture: German/ Germany

Cultural View of the Topic
Raising children
In Germany there are 1.3 children per woman. Parents get a lot financial help from the government when raising their children. For each child the parents receive 184 euros which is $205.54 in American dollars. Also for the first 12 to 14 months of the child’s life, one parent will receive 67% of their income. Parents have many rights like unwed fathers can get custody and parents can take up to three years off of work and still have their job. (Germany Missions in the United States, n.d.).
Role of genders
The roles of men and women in Germany are very traditional. Men work and women are the homemakers. Although most men would take parental leave to raise their baby if needed. Men in Germany might step back and let their wife further her education to work toward a career. Just under half of the women said that they would want to work instead of being the homemaker. The men work to earn the money and the women stay at home and run the house, which is a traditional way of life.  ("Gender Roles More Conservative Than Twenty Years Ago", 2013). 
When a couple gets married in Germany it usually last for three days. The parents share the cost of the wedding and six weeks before the planned date the couple has to notify the city. That is because they have to be married by the justice of the peace along with their church wedding. So they really get married twice. The rest of the marriage process is a lot like the traditional American wedding like the first dance, dinner reception, and the guest throwing rice at the newlyweds (Lupieri, 2013). 
Germany has one of highest percentages of residents aged over 65 in Europe. Most of the elderly citizens in Germany are avoiding nursing homes and instead going to shared living arrangements. A new law provides seniors with up to...

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