

Practicing Herbivore/Vegetarianism for a Healthy Life
For ages, people have been debating vegetarianism vs. non vegetarianism. What suits humans better is still an unanswered question. If we see animals, they are either a herbivore or carnivore or omnivore. Animals do not make choices or do not reason out their food style. They eat based on their natural instinct and habitat. But humans have thinking power and try to reason out and decide what is right. Humans try to analyze and research to find which foods are better for them. Certain religions also emphasize specific food styles. For example Asian religions like Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism preach vegetarianism. Christianity and Muslims do not follow or emphasize vegetarianism. Indians who follow Hinduism are not all vegetarians. Hindus are allowed to follow varied food habits based on their own likes or dislikes. Because of this freedom of choice, some modern Indian moms are confused between choosing a strict vegetarian food lifestyle or a non-vegetarian food lifestyle. Indian Moms who prefer to follow vegetarianism need to be aware of the benefits and importance of vegetarianism.

Vegetarian diet provides various health benefits due to its naturally rich substances. Vegetarian diet is rich in roughage which is very much needed for the digestion process and bowel movements. Vegetarian diet has little fat that leads to high cholesterol in the human body. It is also nutritious with enough protein, vitamins and carbohydrates. Since they are naturally cultivated, they are less prone to be infected with germs that could spread diseases. Due to its balanced nutritious value, vegetarian diet is comparatively healthy especially at older ages. There are various herbs, leaves and spices available in vegetarian diet that can act as natural medicines that can help human metabolism. Even though vegetarian diet has lots of good benefits, it has its own down side as well. For example, vegetarian diet...

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