Veronika Decides to Die

Veronika Decides to Die

  • Submitted By: PINAR
  • Date Submitted: 03/03/2009 10:29 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 799
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 1137

Veronika Decides to Die

In the book of Paulo Coelho, Veronika decides to die; the author wants to give a message to the readers with the story of Veronika. She decided to die and with her failed suicide she found herself in a complicated situation in the mental hospital. She questioned her suicide decision and she regretted for what she did. With this story, author wants to tell that some important decisions like suicide may be irreversible and people have to think very carefully while doing something really important.

In the beginning of the book, Veronika cleaned her room, brushed her teeth before taking the pills. She wanted to be beautiful before she die. It is a psychological behavior of the women generally that before they die they want to look beautiful. She thought that jumping from a long apartment would be harmful for her parents. Cutting her wrists would make the nuns clean the room. She took the pills one by one in case of her give up from her decision. Here she taught that she may regret for what she does and she can turn back but with each pill she took she felt more convinced and took every pill. After taking the pills, she looked into a French magazine to make the time pass. While reading to the magazine she saw a article about a computer game and it was starting with the question: “Where is Slovenia?” To help the time pass, she wanted to write her suicide note explaining where Slovenia was and how it was formed. Of course this wasn’t the real reason for her suicide. One of the real reasons was that everything in her life was same and her suffering did increase. Second reason was that she was aware what was happening in the world and she thought that everything in the world was wrong. She was also happy to find out that if god exists. She didn’t believe that god existed but she thought that god can understand her decision about her early leaving from the world. She knew that the death was the freedom for her, and she...

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