

Tykia Barber
Mrs. Watts
Eng 099-02
Exemplification Paragraph

Stop Domestic Violence

Domestic violence has plagued humanity for centuries. Women are sometimes viewed as sub- humans who should only be seen and not heard. Men with this perception use domestic violence to emphasize this idea. Women should become aware of signs of controlling behaviors, talk to their parents, and know where to find help if the situation escalates. Knowing the signs of spousal abuse is a vital aspect to establishing if the situation is healthy or not. To someone who is under the guise of love and affection, the relationship may seem fine. From an opposing viewpoint, the man is seen as he truly is: conniving, controlling, and manipulative. According to a domestic violence victim, the signs just seemed to be her abuser expressing his love. He would restrict her from her family and friends. She could only go to specific places he picked for her. She was not allowed to answer the phone to converse with her family as well. It is essential to keep communication open to parents, because when a victim of domestic violence can not see they are being abused, an outside source can. The parents of the victim can also give advice and offer possible solutions to the situation. For example, a domestic violence victim stated that her parents noticed the signs before she did, and when they tried to discuss it with her, her abuser cut the communication between her and her family. This leads to knowing where to seek help. Most women who have been in an abusive relationship try to seek help from family member to fight their battle for them, but in all actuality it just enhances the problem. A domestic violence victim suggested, from her situation, that the only safe way to find assistance is to go to the proper authority.

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