Vizio User Manual Critique

Vizio User Manual Critique

Vizio Television User Manual Critique
Vizio Television User Manual Critique
A user manual, either electronic or paper form, is an essential part of purchasing any product. When a product is purchased, some kind of user manual is usually included. A user manual is there to show how to use the product correctly. In addition, a user manual also provides problem support, warranty information, and product specifications (characteristics of the product). A good manual not only benefits the user but the manufacturer as well by limiting liability if the product is used incorrectly. “Manuals instruct readers to complete a task, learn a new skill, operate a piece of equipment, service or maintain a product, or even conduct themselves according to company policy” (Dobin, Keller, & Weisser, 2010, para. 10). That is why it is important that a user manual is well organized and concise without confusing the reader. This critique will analyze the organization, layout, and visual and written elements of the Vizio 42 inch, 3D High Definition Television: Model #E420d-AD to determine how effective it is.
The Vizio 42 inch, 3D television manual has a very well executed organization. The front page of the manual contains the main headings for each important section. However, one disadvantage is that it does not contain a picture of the product on the front cover. The third page of the manual provides a welcome statement, the product registration information, and a list of the safety specification information. This information gives the user the opportunity to review the recommendations and register the product before the setup process. Next, is the table of contents that list the headings, subheadings, and page numbers so that the information. This method allows the user to easily locate specific content. he last pages of the manual contains frequently asked and troubleshooting questions well as some additional product specifications which can be...

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