VUlnerable Children in America

VUlnerable Children in America

Vulnerable Children in America
Barbara Collett
Child and Adolescent Psychology
“The greatest threat to America’s national security comes from no enemy without but from our failure to protect, invest in, and educate all of our children who make up all of our futures. Every 11 seconds of every school day a high school student drops out of school; every 32 seconds a baby is born into poverty; every 41 seconds a child is confirmed abused or neglected; every 42 seconds a baby is born without health insurance; every minute a baby is born to a teen mother; every minute a baby is born at low birth weight; every three hours a child or teen is killed by a firearm. A majority of children in all racial and income groups cannot read or do math at grade level in 4th, 8th or 12th grade and over 80 percent of Black and Hispanic children, who with other minority children will constitute a majority of our population in 2023, are behind in these grade levels – if they have not already dropped out of school.”
I am going to focus on children who are at risk for abuse and neglect and those at risk of being placed in foster care. I have these things happen to many children in Bell County, Kentucky. These are the children that helped me decide to study psychology and behavioral science and become a social worker. These children need someone who is going to look out for their needs and safety and I want to be this person. I love all kinds of children!
“New efforts to promote family connections for children in foster care and opportunities for older youths leaving foster care are being implemented across the country as a result of recently enacted reforms. Communities and states are increasing investments in early intervention and community based alternatives to detention for youths in the juvenile justice system. Collaborative efforts among state and local agencies, private foundations, and child advocacy organizations are promoting innovation. Federal...

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