We Must Take Care of Our Environment

We Must Take Care of Our Environment

importantRenewable Energy Market Infrastructure
Complete, Nationwide Coverage

APX systems provide complete coverage for renewable energy certificate (REC) creation, management and transactions across North America to facilitate the continued dramatic growth of clean energy generation and usage. All participants in the North American renewable energy markets - regardless of location - are now able to take advantage of a trusted infrastructure to help manage their role in the market. With the ability to create unique, serialized records for every REC, these registries provide the greatest product transparency, accountability and protection against double counting.
M-RETS tracks renewable generation located within the state and provincial boundaries of Illinois, Iowa, Manitoba, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. It also tracks Renewable Resource Credits (RRCs) for the State of Wisconsin. M-RETS is an easy to use, Web-based system open for use by power generators, utilities, marketers and qualified reporting entities wishing to participate in the M-RETS market. View the Top 10 Reasons to Join M-RETS in the Midwest footprint.
The NEPOOL GIS issues and tracks certificates for each MWh of generation produced in the ISO New England control area, including imports from neighboring control areas, and all load served. Each NEPOOL GIS certificate, in addition to renewable attributes, tracks eight types of emissions (including CO2). The system also provides certificate based tracking for energy efficiency from combined heat and power assets, demand response, congestion and load management programs in the state.

Mid-Atlantic (PJM GATS)

In 2005 PJM, which spans all or parts of 13 states implemented a centralized registry and accounting system or Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS) which that enables renewable electricity markets and information disclosure of generation attributes including environmental, emissions, and fuel...

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