What an Essay!

What an Essay!

What an Essay!
Archimedes was the most respected Greek scientist of ancient times. His family life and the culture of his time help mold him into the person he became. His investigations of geometry helped improve society and modern life. His ideas were so advanced we still use them today. As he once said, “Give me a place to stand and I can move the world”.
Archimedes’s family life and the culture of his time helped to create him into a fascinating man. He spent most of his life in Sicily, which was a popular Greek land at the time. Although not much is known about his family, it is believed his father was an astronomer, which means that his father probably taught him a lot about geometry math and science. Plus, Greek culture had a very strict school system which tells us that his school helped him to become a smart man.
His investigations were extremely advanced for his time period, which meant that many people were amazed by them. He studied circles and spheres, and discovered how to find the volume of many geometric shapes. One time he helped the king of his city to find whether or not his crown had silver on the inside of it. He solved this problem by discovering the concept of water displacement. The most amazing invention he ever constructed was a way to lift a boat out of the water using ropes and pulleys.
Archimedes’s investigations were so outstanding that we still use his concepts today. He figured out many concepts regarding circles including how to find the shape’s circumference. He had a lot to do with geometry, and he discovered the method of pi. He helped expand the concepts of geometry which made it easier to do many different mathematical geometric concepts.
Obviously, Archimedes was extremely smart in his field of study which is proven in family life and culture; his investigations widely expand the field of knowledge of geometric and other areas of mathematics. Conclusively, his studies were so accurate that we still use them...

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