Who Was Emperor Constantine?

Who Was Emperor Constantine?

The emperor Constantine has been called the most important emperor of the late antiquity. The many great events of his reign laid the foundation that would affect the future Western Civilization for centuries to come. His support of Christianity was one of the most important moments in world history. Moving the government of the Roman Empire to Constantinople and founding "New Rome" was one of the most significant decisions ever made by a Roman ruler. Ten emperors who reigned after Constantine took his name. This is just one more indication of his importance in history and the honor in whichwas held by his peers.
The one known as the emperor Constantine was born Flavius Valerius Constantinus in Naissus, a town in Serbia, on February 27 (probably) sometime in the 270's AD. His mother was a woman of suttle background, who worked as in inn keepeer.Helen was said to be Roman Catholic backround until her son convinced her to become Christian Because of her good works, she was made a Christian saint after her death.
Constantine the great was awarded emporer Western Rome whe he defeated the previous emporer Maxentius at the Milvian bridge in Rome. The people of Rome were pleased when they heard the news, simply because Maxentius was a hated man in the Roman community. It is ironic that Maxentius was defeated at the Milvian bridge because his original plan was to kill Constantine with the same trap that killed him.
After Constantine became the emporer of Rome he married off his sister to the emporer of Eastern Rome named Licinius. In doing this he created a relationship with not only Licinius but all of Rome. Constantines next task in uniting a semi-fallen Rome

was to do what the people of Rome would disagree with, he converted all of Rome into
Christians. So all of the previous Catholics were forced by rule of an emporer ro convert to Christianity.
The conversion of rome didn’t cause a major contreversy as far as economical, and diplomical reasons. One...

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