Why Is the State of Israel Important to the Jewish Faith, Discuss.

Why Is the State of Israel Important to the Jewish Faith, Discuss.

From research, it has become ever more evident to me, that Israel is the most important place on this material earth for Jews. The realms of God, are obviously held in the most high esteem, but as mere creatures of flesh and matter we cannot experience those realms first hand. Therefore the Jewish people have the State of Israel also called the “Holy Land“. Israel is the land that was promised to them, by G-d, after their rescue or the “exodus” from Egypt under the oppression of a sadistic pharaoh.
From the times of Joshua onwards, throughout countless centuries and rulers and oppressors Jewish people have continued to live in the land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael - the Hebrew name for the State of Israel. Jews don’t think that G-d is absent from the rest world, merely that he is ever more present in the land he gave them. For a Jewish person, they believe that Israel is “spiritually higher” than anywhere else on earth. When Jewish people migrate to Israel they call it “aliyah” literally it means ‘going up’. So Jews talk of going up to Israel, and many dream of one day living in the most holy city of their faith - Jerusalem. This is where the Temple was located, although it was destroyed in 70CE by the Romans. This temple was the single most important place of worship in the history of Judaism. The 2 Stone tablets, taken down from Mount Sinai containing inscribed upon them were the 10 commandments given to Moses by G-d. Housed in the Ark of the Covenant these stone tablets were one of the focal points of the religion. They are a almost perfect connection with G-d, written down, what G-d viewed as the foundations for a Jewish society that would be good and pure in his eyes. That is what all Jews wish to do, be seen as being pure and noble, in the ever-watchful eyes of G-d. So Jerusalem, with its temple, and therefore the capital of Israel was and still is, and probably will always be so important to the Jewish people.
“Israel is the place where spiritual and...

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