Why Obama for President

Why Obama for President

Obama For President
Obama or McCain, that is the question that is on everyone’s mind this presidential elections. Whatever happens, there will be a first for something. Mr. Obama is a black man. There has never been a black man in office as president of the United States. John McCain has a female VP. Again, this is something else that has never happened in our country before. Does this make a difference in how people will vote for our next president? Will it help or hurt these candidates? Is this country ready for a black president? Is this country ready for a female VP? Time will tell. But here are some reason that this country is ready for a black president.
Barak Obama is a very courageous and smart man. Here is what was smart. When he first came on the scene, some did not really even look his way to be the candidate to represent the democrats. It was already known that Hillary Clinton would win the democratic nominee. He knew he had to get the female vote away from Mrs. Clinton. He also knew regardless if he did that or not, Mrs. Clinton is a powerful woman with a lot of influence. His smart move was to call on Oprah for help. Oprah in my opinion is the only woman in this country more powerful than Mrs. Clinton. It has been proven that if Oprah promotes something, it can make a change by millions of people. I still think she could have been the first female and black president if she wanted to. She is that powerful. This was a smart move. History proves itself. Oprah supporting him all of the sudden put him in the numbers with Hillary. The only reason he had beat Hillary for the nominee, is because he was also smart in how he ran his campaign. The smarter campaign player is what one the democratic nominee.
Mr. Obama is also a very courageous man. Times have changed, but anytime a black man has became powerful enough to make a great change in this country, he gets assassinated. This is not a prejudice comment. There has been a...

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