Will Power

Will Power

Kelly McGonigal helps the viewer to look at willpower as “having powers” recognizing when something is at odds with our own personal beliefs or goals. Taking a look at the past and the future, only the individual can decide to do something about accepting od defying change. Timothy Pychyl explained how looking a student refers to him or her own intentions will somehow, good or bad, have effect on his or her idea of what their rewards are. I strongly feel that I personally have no problems looking back at defining moments that were unpleasing, rather than looking forward to seeing what could be if I do something about that moment
Willpower is defined as: The capability to hold off gratification, opposing short-term attempts in order to meet my long-term goals. Willpower to me is when the individual does not allow anyone, anything, or any opinions of others to change my personal or professional goal or beliefs. I used willpower to delay instant gratification was when I was backed into a corner emotionally regarding changes happening at my daughters school that were not discussed prior to them being implemented. This resulted in me drafting an email to the teachers involved expressing my outrage. I had my daughters father read the draft, because I knew he would be supportive as he had been in the past. He was not supportive. Afterwards, I felt alone and betrayed. No one was hearing what I was saying, or how my daughter was feeling.
As a college student I am always faced with deadlines. Seeing due dates and clocks counting down stresses me out to the point I no longer feel in control. Recognizing this issu

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