

To: Dr. Bruce Huang
From: Constance F. Lima-Gonzalez
Date: September29, 2015
Subject: Selecting and Using Data Resources and Systems - Amazon
Dr. Huang
I am writing to inform you of my intention of using this week’s studies in my final project of my organization- Amazon.com. I will pick the best resources available and with the most information, in regards to data resources and information systems. Only the safest and most reliable data resources and information systems will be considered.
Short and long term problems can be avoided when choosing and using data surfaces and systems. I would suggest that Amazon absorb all that is available on data resources, systems, and due diligence (Chaffey, 2004).
Problems can develop when examining what data resources and systems that will be reliable and safe. When researching for the system looking at the functional side of data resources and systems.
Putting to use the lessons learned in the past four weeks, and researching a choice has been made in data resources, storage systems, and data processing as the best choices for Amazon. These choices are Oracle (ERP), SCM, and CRM. (Chaffey, 2004). I would also use the cloud technology. According to BusinessWeek (2003), Amazon has developed and utilized Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Simple Storage Service (SS) (Businessweek, 2003).
CRM systems are utilized to build and keep long-term business relationships with customers of an organization and the public (Chaffey, 2004) (Lima-Gonzalez, 2015) (Bertolucci, 2012). Amazon's business is customer service and retail.
SCM systems organize all supply activities of a business such as supply and distribution network, logistic activities, and inventory management (Bertolucci, 2012) (Lima-Gonzalez, 2015).
An ERP system combines separate information systems and results in improved data reliability and processing efficiency. (Bertolucci, 2012). ERP systems are also software packages that are used to combine various units of an...