Women Falling Out of School

Women Falling Out of School

Name: Fredrica Campbell
Address: Farm Heights
Phone number: 299-9261/535-3737
A survey of how children in my community are affected by the migration of their parent/s to foreign countries.
Dear participants,
This survey is being carried out in order to obtain information regards to the effects of parent/s migration on their children. This study is being conducted as a social studies course which I am currently perusing.
I would be most grateful if you answered the following questions by ticking the box of choice or placing your responses on the lines provided.
Yours Sincerely,
F. Campbell
{draw:rect} Gender How old are you? {draw:rect} {draw:rect} 17-20
{draw:rect} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} b). What type of school do you attend?
How often do you attend school? {draw:rect} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} consistently most days rarely
{draw:rect} Yes
{draw:rect} What is your family type? {draw:rect} Nuclear
Single parent
{draw:rect} Extended
{draw:rect} Sibling
{draw:rect} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} How many years have you been residing with the individual/s stated above? 1-5 yrs 6-11 yrs 12-17yrs
{draw:rect} Do you get along with the members me your household? {draw:rect} Yes
{draw:rect} No
{draw:rect} Have you ever been abused? {draw:rect} Yes
{draw:rect} No
{draw:rect} Do you know your biological parents? Yes
{draw:rect} No
{draw:rect} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} b). If yes, where are your parents?
USA Canada Europe Other _
1-5 yrs 6-11 yrs 12-17 yrs
{draw:rect} {draw:rect} 12. Do you correspond with your parents?
How often do you see/correspond with your parents? _ {draw:rect} {draw:rect} Yes No Sometimes
{draw:rect} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} 15. Do your parents give you gifts on special occasions?
Yes No Sometimes

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