Women in the Millitary

Women in the Millitary

Women in Combat

The general consensus when it comes to woman in the military is that they do not belong there, and if they insist on being there, they should absolutely not be on the front line of battle. There are many reasons why people believe women do not belong in the military. The fact that they are genetically and physiologically made up differently than men and are therefore not as strong, or fast is one of the reasons. Women think and process differently. Women are thought to be frail and easily distressed. Men are not able to bare children so putting women on the front line put our population in danger of decreasing. Also, if the woman is pregnant she is putting another life at risk, one that does not have a choice. Those are all valid points and ones that should not be overlooked, but what does that say about America and our freedom of choice, if we are to say that a woman cannot be in the front line of battle, simply because she is a woman.
It is a fact that woman are both genetically and physiologically different than men. There are as many as three hundred chromosomal differences between men and women (www.rense.com). Men have better distance vision and depth perception and generally have better vision in lighted environments. Men are ten to fifteen percent larger than women and are also thirty percent physically stronger than women (www.healthbolt.net). All of this being said, women who are interested in joining the military are more than likely not going to be your average women, they are going to be strong, fast, and just as capable as any of the men they are up against. Women have less muscle twitch fibers, which enables them to perform better than men in endurance activities (www.healthbolt.net. ) In addition, you are not simply let into the military; there are a series of physical tests that you must pass first. These tests include push-ups sit-ups and a timed two-mile run. In order to be eligible for enlistment all...

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