Work Engangement

Work Engangement

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B.Sc. in Psychology Level 5

Academic Year: 2013-2014

Module: Psychological Research

“ Is work engagement the remedy to employee burnout? Discuss with reference to current research evidence.”

Tutor: Student:

Submission Date: 10/12/13

Grading Criteria for Coursework Essays Level 5
Grades will be awarded on the basis of closest fit with class descriptions. Within class, higher grades will be awarded to work displaying positive characteristics to a stronger extent and/or occasionally meeting some standards of higher-class work, while lower grades will be awarded to work displaying positive characteristics to a lesser extent and/or showing elements of lower-class work.
1st class:
Excellent: 72%, 75%, 78%
Outstanding: 82%, 85%, 88% and above
Grades above 80% are awarded for work of exceptional quality and are likely to be used very sparingly.
As for 2:1 PLUS
Displaying to a notable extent one or more of the following:
Relevant and effective use of material derived from independent reading of original studies
Attempts to synthesise relevant material drawn from conventionally separate areas of the discipline
Significant insight into the nature or implications of fundamental issues in the topic area
Original approach to the question

2:1 62%, 65%, 68%
Shows evidence of independent reading of original studies
Identifies the precise focus of the question
Describes with few, if any, errors:
Main theoretical issues relating to the question
Relevant empirical evidence bearing on the question
Applied issues relating to the question, where appropriate
Significant methodological issues in the topic area of the question, where appropriate
Describes and...

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