

Your Name
Contact Details (including Town and County)
Telephone numbers including mobile contact details
Email address

Do not include any further personal details including martial status, gender, nationality as this does not add any value and may impede your application. You should use Arial or similar business font and the size should be 10.5 or 11.

This section should include a brief history of your school career and qualifications gained. This section should never be in bullet point format and should be no more than 8 to 10 sentences long. This is your opportunity to present your unique skill set and the value you can bring to an organisation, this will focus on what makes you stand out, your skill set (excellent communication and organisational skills etc.) and the value you bring to potential employers. You should not use personal pronouns in your document including (I etc.) as this is incorrect syntax and looks awkward. Example of ways to start your document could include: Resourceful individual ….

This section should include a list of achievements using the STAR method and should be presented in bullet point format. Use this section to highlight any achievements you may have had in your life to date.
You should include details of group projects that you completed.
Example: Acted as school prefect from 2001- 2005. Captain of the school rugby team.
Supported fundraising initiatives within the school including organising sponsored walk.

Remember include details of any employment (even if not in your current chosen field). You should also include details of voluntary work including supporting fundraising activities or memberships of societies etc…

Title Held, Name of Company Dates of employment
Insert further details of your key duties and responsibilities. Remember to use active verbs including sold, solved performed etc.

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