World History Reviewer

World History Reviewer

1) Western Civilization
a. PREHISTORY – period before any written record; artifacts and fossils
i. PALEOLITHIC – old stone age; longest part of prehistory
Ø Hunting and gathering food
Ø Nomadic life – no permanent homes
Ø Early languag
Ø Created variety of tools; learned how to use fire
Ø Cro-Magnon people developed art –cave wall paintings
Ø Clothing: Animal skin
ii. NEOLITHIC – new stone age;
Ø Farming and herding
Ø Domestication of Animals
Ø People settled in villages
Ø Developed special skills: artisans – people who make crafts
Ø Trading: barter
Ø Copper, bronze and iron age
Ø System of writing; beginning of written history
Ø Civilizations emerged
Ø Government was organized
Ø Job specializations
Ø Feudalism and Manor economy
• Feudalism – economy of land
• Manor economy – servants pay back their landlords for letting them use the land using their harvested crops
Ø Organized Church
Ø Growth of royal power
Ø Religious turmoil (turmoil means confusion)
Ø Age of exploration
Ø Discoveries, colonization
Ø Mercantilism, capitalism
Ø Onset of nationalism
Ø Scientific revolution
Ø Post-war years
Ø Global economic interdependence
Ø Globalized patterns of life
Ø Nationalism dominated political climate

2) Mesopotamian Civilization – Now: IRAQ
- Mesopatamia – land between 2 rivers (Euphrates and Tigris)
- Cradle of western civilization
- Located in a piece of Fertile Crescent
Ø Polytheistic religion – belief in many gods
Ø Ziggurat – temple
Ø Cuneiform – form of picture/symbol writing
Ø Hammurabi’s code of law – issued by Hammurabi; inscribed in stone; given by Shaman; composed of 282 laws
Ø Code of Hammurabi – “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”
Ø Epic of Gilgamesh – one of the earliest literary work
Ø Made advances in mathematics and...

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