ww1 facts

ww1 facts

Language Arts (P.4) Saidee Solano
Literary Luminary
“I saw all and it was exactly as my uncle had described it. Then my fate drew me to the coffin. I peered in and to my horror I saw Ultima!”(P.140)
1. This certain passage caught my attention because in the previous chapter Ultima is asked to step through a door with two blessed needles in the form of a cross on the door, everyone knows that a witch cannot do so and just as Ultima is about to step through the door Ultima’s owl comes and rips out one of Tenorio’s eyes out and by the time everyone looks back up, Ultima has stepped through the door. And once everyone is gone Antonio notices that the two needles are on the floor. This raised my suspicions that Ultima was a witch.
2. This passage is significant because now Antonio’s uncle Mateo told them about how the Trementina sisters will bury their sister who is also a witch, he describes how they will gather around the body and pray from their black book. That night Antonio has a dream about the witches’ black mass but instead of one of the Trementina sisters being in the coffin it was Ultima. Antonio’s dreams always have meaning or some kind of truth to them so this furthers my suspicions about Ultima being a witch.
3. Personally I think this passage is foreshadowing the fact that Ultima is a witch, but I do not believe that Ultima is a witch like the Trementina sisters, I think she’s a good witch but she cannot admit that she is a witch at all to the people of the town because they wouldn’t be able to understand and accept her.

“Had I already lost my innocence? How? I had seen Lupito murdered…I had seen Ultima’s cure… I had seen the men come to hang her… I had seen the awful fight just now…I had seen and revealed in the beauty of the golden carp!”(P.165)
1. This passage caught my attention because it makes me wonder how it will change Antonio in the future, when faced with problems or certain situations will he react differently than he...

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