Young Adulthood

Young Adulthood

Early Adulthood

In this paper I want to talk about the diversity of adult lifestyles. I would like to explore different areas of being an adult such as being single, cohabitation, divorce and remarriage.
More than ever women are staying single, and focusing on their careers. Research has shown that more people marry later in life, or some don’t get married at all. It is said that most North Americans will spend a substantial part of their adult life single, and a growing minority about 8 to 10 percent, will stay that way. Because of the trend to marry later, more young men than women are single. But women are more likely to remain single for many years, or their entire life. Some of the reasons that women are choosing to stay single is because, fewer men are available with the characteristics that most women seek in a mate; such as same age or older, equally or better education, and professionally successful. Singlehood means something different to everyone; some people chose to be single in order to have freedom and mobility, while others say it is preferable to dealing with disappointing relationships. While others say that it is because they haven’t had the chance to meet the right person; then there are the ones that chose to be single because of their career goals. People that are single do recognize the draw backs, like being lonely, dealing with the dating grind, limited sexual and social life; these people also report feeling a reduced sense of security, and feelings of exclusion from the world of married couples. People that have chosen singlehood say that they go through a stressful period in the late twenties, when most of their friends have married. For single women the mid-thirties is also a trying time, as the biological deadline for having children approaches.
Cohabitation is something people are deciding to do, instead of getting married. Studies have shown that today’s North American young adults are more likely than people a generation ago...

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