A Crime Against Life

A Crime Against Life

RD #1

Abortion is a crime against life, just like murder or anything else. It should not be encouraged, or allowed by the government. Have you ever thought of killing anyone?
This question sounds ridiculous, but it crosses the minds of millions of American pregnant women every day. No matter how you say it, abortion is the taking of a life. According to US Abortion data provided in 1995 by Planned Parenthood, there were 1.8 million first trimester abortions, 180 thousand second trimester abortions, and about four thousand required Hysterectomies. According to these figures, the United States as a whole killed or aborted 1,984,000 fetuses. It is horrendous to think about 1 child being aborted, but 1,984,000 children, that is beyond words. According to the Planned Parenthood survey of 1995, there are fewer deaths per million abortions than per million births and there are nine deaths per million abortion procedures and sixty-three deaths per million births. Both complications and the death rate rise with the age of the fetus. Pro-choice physicians seem to believe that a fetus cannot feel any pain until the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. Others who are pro-life believe that the fetus can feel pain as early as the seventh week. But does it really matter if the fetus can feel anything? No. The concept is that the woman is taking the life of her child. If the child weren’t a fetus, a woman could serve years to life in prison, why isn’t this the same for a fetus? It is a human being, not at its fetus stage, but it will be, unless its life is ended. In a study conducted by Dr. Paul Sachdef, less than 25% of women felt guilty after having an abortion. The study concluded that most women felt “happiness and relief” after having the abortion. They felt happy and relieved after killing their child. Is this morally right? By no sane standards. He also found the elective abortion is much less traumatic for the parent/s than an elective adoption. Many seemed to disagree...

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