A Major Issue in California, Immigration

A Major Issue in California, Immigration

Illegal immigration is a major issue here in California. It seems like no one can get a handle on how to deal with it or even control it. These have been an ongoing issue and no matter what laws we have in place they always seem to find a way around them. Our own children suffer cause of all the illegal’s we have here. Now there has to be special accommodations made to our school system for them. Our healthcare system is so out of control it’s not even funny. Our car insurance rates are high because of all the illegal’s that are here driving without insurance. Our job force and housing has suffered because of them too. There is not enough money in our welfare system to help out the legal families that need it and yet all the illegal families get it first. Remember these are my opinions and I know that I do not speak well of our immigration system, but I feel that if you want to be here then come here legally. Work here and pay taxes, social security, health care, and support your own family. Do not let all the legal citizens do it for you. I personally am tired of seeing my hard earned money and taxes go to support all the illegal immigrants that are here. When my own family needed help they got turned away because they were legal here and were told there was no help available. Now that is just not fair.

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