A Man Off News

A Man Off News

“Do you read newspaper every day?” Each time I was asked so, the only changeless answer was “NO”, and no shame or sorry do I feel when saying so.
In my home, stacks of magazines you cannot miss when you look around while seldom can you find newspapers which probably have been burned or dumped into dustbin. You may be likely to presume that there must be the existence of prejudice towards the newspaper in my mind, which I would not wait a second to prove that you are quite right.
Though I do have a favor to the particular fragrance of ink or type, I am not able to get rid of the thought of insanitary contamination each time when the sooty marks stain my fingers or the pungent and penetrating odor swarm into my lungs when I unfold a piece of newspaper. However, I am not such person who judges people by externals, at least not alone. “The beauty of birds lies in their feathers, people in souls” was the frequent visitor to my ears and to my heart at the age of counting numbers. The greatness of my parents lived in my brain since I was green, and grows larger now, and will certainly become a giant figure that occupies part of my heart for the rest of my life, not only for presenting me with a life, but also for bring me up with valuable nourishment of their knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, it has to be something, something beneath the appearance that drives away my favorable impression towards him.
Every time I scanned newspaper, the adversities, filthiness and ugliness of human society, like death, disaster, disappearance, fraud, corruption, etc never give up their chance to take up a rather high position in the word world. They provoke the flame of my cynical heart, and attempt to murder the miserable and measly hope that has survived from my pessimistic world view. The more I make myself involved in current events, the more I desire for the department from where they come from. No wonder there is a saying nowadays: if you want to keep happy, stay away from...

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