A Program of Movement Education Is Based on

A Program of Movement Education Is Based on

1. Foods introduced by the Greeks – olives, grapes/wine, lamb, goats milk/cheese
2. Spartans – became ward of state at age seven
3. Greek Isle borders – south/Crete, west/Balkan, east/Ionia
4. Politics – how to rule a city state
5. Polis – city state
6. Metro – large city state
7. Akros – hills (superior realistate)
8. Knossus – major port
9. Crete – border of the Greek empire
10. Draco – Draconian code of law (lawmaker)
11. Salon – created constitution between people and govt.
12. Athens, Sparta, & Troy – Major city states of Greece
13. Greek senate – appointed to office
14. Council of 500 – first legislature, elected by adult males (held jobs)
15. Patricians – High class, ruled by senate
16. Plebeians – lower class, ruled by tribune
17. Consuls – patricians
18. Tribunes – plebeians
19. Law of twelve tables – List of crimes and punishment follows
20. Caveats –
* Better to leave the guilty unpunished then to punish the innocent
* Innocent until proven guilty
* No one shall suffer for what they think
* All men are equal under the law

21. Basilicas – court houses
22. The Roman Army –28 legions, 1 legion=10 cohort=5 centries=100men
* Soldiers held in military for 25 years
* Armor reflected social standing
* Used tactics of siege to conquer
* Soldiers were paid in salt
23. Punic Wars – Rome/east/land – Carthage/west/sea (Carthage tries three times to beat Rome but fail)
24. Socio- Economic Ladder-
* Senators
* Patricians
* Patrician soldiers
* Plebian middle class
* Plebian peasents
* Slaves
25. Socrates – Important Greek philosopher , killed by hemlock, death lead to establishment of justice
26. Plato – Wrote down conversations of Socrates “The Republic”, Established the Academy
27. Aristotle – Studied at Academy, tutored Alexander The Great, Creates Lyceum
28. Athena – Goddess of wisdom...

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