A Secret Summer Night in California

A Secret Summer Night in California

A Secret Summer Night in California
We can all remember the things we did as teenagers that we wouldn’t do now as adults. This story from my teenage years was definitely one of those experiences. Whenever I hear about a teenage girl or boy that was been killed accidentally in a car accident coming home from a party, I think of this particular experience, and I always find myself saying, “If I knew then what I know now, I probably would have never done such an stupid and extremely dangerous thing.”
It all started when we met our boyfriends, while at lunch from school. My best friend Christie and I were both sixteen years old with boyfriends that were older and out of High School. Life was good. They worked at the Subway across the street from the school. They were cute, fun, and nice. Mike, Christie’s boyfriend, was average height, with dark hair and blue eyes. Bill, my boyfriend, was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes.
One Friday, Christie and I made plans for me to spend the night at her house; her curfew was always later than mine. Mike and Bill called us at Christie’s house and asked if we wanted to go to a party with them. We agreed, but we knew that we wouldn’t be allowed to go if we told her parents exactly what we were doing so we decided not to ask. So we came up with a plan.
The plan would be that we would hang around the house for a while and help do the laundry. We took the laundry basket into the guest room and started to watch a movie and waited for the call. We were nervous. Our hearts were racing. Our palms were sweating. We had never done anything like this before. Around 9:30 the phone rang and it was the boys, they said they would pick us up around 11:45 that night around the corner from the house.
Christie and I decided to take the laundry that we had just folded and stuff it into the bed to make it look like two bodies and pulled up the covers. We waited for her parents and sister to go to...

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