A Social Institution

A Social Institution

Introduction A school may be regarded as a social institution. It has to have certain basic regulations governing, controlling and directing the behaviour of its members, the majority of whom are students. Discipline implies control, without which there would be anarchy and chaos and learning would not take place effectively. Good classroom control strategies reduce opportunities for distractions, boredom and disruptions, and thus increase academic engagement and opportunities for learning. Punishment Some punishments are deeming to be destructive; meaning it can produce undesirable side effects. Such effect may be the student associating learning with punishment. Other punishments may come naturally, for instance, have students clean up the classroom before dismissal. Disciplinary Strategies Reality therapy W. Glasser There are five steps to assertive discipline- recognizing and removing roadblocks to assertive discipline, practicing the use of assertive response styles, learning to set limits, learning to follow through on limits and implementing a system of positive or favourable consequences. Classroom Control There is more to controlling a classroom than just including the students. The class is also managed when the teacher takes control of the learnng in the classroom and in effect turns the responsibility for learning over to the learners (Grunter, Estes & Schwab). In addition good behaviour management allows the students to get a clear image of what is expected of them and the consequences of their own behaviour both desirable and undesirable. For instance, a child who disturbs the person next to them during an English quiz for answers knows that he or she is likely to loose marks. When the child accepts this, to them they are expected to behave in a subtle manner to achieve a good great in the tested subject(s). Classroom management strategies should be avoided to reduce inappropriate behaviour before it escalates into delinquency. Requesting...

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